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During the 2022-2023 fiscal year, OPHD received and responded to 521 internal complaints alleging discrimination and/or harassment based on protected categories described in the SVSH Policy and the Nondiscrimination Policy. Here we report the type and number of jurisdictional investagtions initated, investigated, and closed.

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The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) has jurisdiction over the University of California Sexual Violence Sexual Harassment Policy (SVSH Policy) and the University of California Discrimination, Harassment, and Affirmative Action in the Workplace Policy (Nondiscrimination Policy), both of which prohibit discrimination and harassment of persons on the basis of their membership in any protected category covered by either policy.

As part of this work, OPHD responds to complaints from persons who believe they have been subjected to sexual violence, sexual harassment, discrimination and harassment based on protected categories and/or retaliation related to matters under either policy. OPHD also has responsibility for preparing the annual Affirmative Action Plan for underrepresented minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and covered veterans.